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News: 2011:,1031.msg10894.html
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1  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: More SMT merchandise coming this year! on: June 23, 2011, 10:31:20 PM
Posted / images copied monkey

Update 2014: Sorry it took me so long to say so, but being the last post ever and therefore most recent, this forum has been decommissioned for the longest. You can find out what I've been up to ever since/contact me at
2  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: More SMT merchandise coming this year! on: June 23, 2011, 04:47:40 PM
I am working on this ninja

First though I spent the morning coming up with email notification systems for myself. The ideal thing would be to set up an RSS reader to generate emails but for some reason that's not an idea that has caught any traction circa 2011. I'm kinda shocked myself, that seems like a great feature that should be standard in all feed readers.

Anyway, I seem to have a hacked together system for doing this for me, except it seems to have trouble with the forum RSS feed. I guess after this post I'll find out if it will go thru or not. I will have to try to update the feed document I reckon.

Then there is the problem of the "pending review" posts which don't have an RSS feed. The Wordpress version the site uses is pretty ancient, but I like the theme because it matches the site, and there's no way to get it back after an update. Unless I learn about security vulnerabilities I intend to try to get by without ever updating it. So anyway, I just hacked in a little check that runs whenever an admin page is accessed (like by an author writing a post) which checks for any pending review posts and sends me a mail if its been 2 days since the last mail.
3  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS BRIEF: What's been going on with Atlus/SMT on: June 22, 2011, 11:19:59 PM
Oh, here is that post's permalink ( published sans graphic frown
4  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: More SMT merchandise coming this year! on: June 22, 2011, 11:06:38 PM
Power should pads for Lucifer smokin

Never liked monster Lucifer or cat Kerberos myself rainbow

PS: The Kerberos in our banner seems more dog like. Maybe its just me??
5  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS BRIEF: What's been going on with Atlus/SMT on: June 22, 2011, 10:53:31 PM
Hey cool,

Sorry I'm late to the party. Dunno how I did not notice this sooner sweatdrop

I'm pretty busy with other games related activism but will as always do everything necessary to meet any contributors halfway.

I'm going to get this (,1033.msg10895.html#msg10895) up ASAP.

I'd appreciate if you can post stuff directly into the WordPress interface....

Speaking of which,

I just found this post there, dated July 2010 doh

For those of you who are still trying to justify buying yet another version of Persona 3, this time for the PSP, head on over to where they are currently showcasing a 30 minute, in depth video of the game.

For those of you not in the know, P3P is a port/update of the highly acclaimed rpg Persona 3 which was originally released on the PS2. This updated version includes a new choice of protaganist, updated social links, new musical score, new endings and the ability to control all four party members in combat.

The one omission is The Answer, an epilogue game that was included on Persona 3: FES, released in 2007, also for the PS2.

If you are curious about this new reincarnation of Persona 3, then you can see the video here:</center>

For those of you who are still trying to justify buying yet another version of <u>Persona 3</u>, this time for the <u>PSP</u>, head on over to <a href=""></a> where they are currently showcasing a 30 minute, in depth video of the game.

For those of you not <em>in the know</em>, <u>P3P</u> is a port/update of the highly acclaimed rpg <u>Persona 3</u> which was originally released on the <u>PS2</u>. This updated version includes a new choice of protaganist, updated social links, new musical score, new endings and the ability to control all four party members in combat.

The one omission is <u>The Answer</u>, an epilogue game that was included on Persona 3: <em>FES</em>, released in 2007, also for the PS2.

If you are curious about this new reincarnation of <u>Persona 3</u>, then you can see the video here: <a href="">link</a>

It seems to be unpublished. The graphic is not working. Can we get a new one?

PS: I'm going to try to email some of you guys and get some kind of email notification system setup for myself so I know as soon as anything happens with this site.

PPS: Megaten still seems dead dead dead (not that it can't rise from the underworld any day it feels like it)
6  Reincarnation / Welcome Back / 2011 on: December 22, 2010, 01:41:03 AM
For most of 2010 I haven't had a shred of a second to deal with this website. Not because I was inundated with stuff like work... far from it. It just doesn't register as a blip in terms of my personal priorities.

That's not to say I don't feel guilty. But anyway, I just scrubbed almost 500 unactivated spammer account from the rolls. I did not realize that many were getting thru. Probably because the gmail junk account the alerts go to tends to fall off my radar once gtalk crashes after a few days since the last time I restarted my day to day workstation...

I suspect because the accounts were not able to be activated the websites email is probably not getting out... I'll have to test this later. If so I apologize to the few names in the unactivated list which held proper video game nerd credentials. If your account name looked like a spammer I apologize, you were probably deleted. Though I'm kinda thankful all these accounts were kept from posting, since Megaten has been pretty much dead anyway. I've even had time to catch up with some of the PS2 gen games while Atlus has apparently been on hiatus.

Spammers make it ridiculously difficult to keep a user registration friendly website on autopilot. I'm sure if Dante was alive he'd add a new circle of hell especially for spammers/prank callers... there is truly no lower order of scum on this earth.

I don't know how they get thru the reCaptcha stuff, it's really ridiculous. The Askimet system that fields the Wordpress comments on the main website seems to do a better job of keeping out spammers. If you really wanna register with the forums to infuse some life into here, maybe I suggest posting a registration request via comment here (

In the meantime I'm a little wary to make things easier to get thru for now. I even see spam posts from "guests" today which I'm pretty sure I did not delete without deleting their posts. Hopefully the database is in good shape and the server is sufficiently secure. I payed "good money" for it anyway.

PS: Hopefully in 2011 I'll be able to fix some stuff around here.

Will depend mainly on how much my work this year shifts toward web development projects.

EDITED: I'm disabling forum registration for a little while. In the meantime. If you (are able to) register with the main site and post a comment at I will manually copy your account over to the forum. Sorry. Will update asap.
7  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: SMT & Persona figures to be released! on: July 23, 2010, 12:26:17 PM
I'm now officially blaming the death of the web on social networking websites!! In the 90s people would build information rich websites about stuff people cared about. Now people just post about whatever mundane trivia they are doing when they they're not posting about the mundane trivia they are doing boring

On an up note. The PS1 "remake" of SMT has been on the PSN for a while. I expect II and If to follow. They are priced higher than the normal games (same as FF games) which kind of seems ridiculous, especially for remakes. I'll probably purchase If because I've never played too far into it. I'd rather have Devil Summoner games. I have a feeling Atlus might be remaking those for the PSP like they did MIP. I wish the MIP remake would be released as a PSN download, because I doubt the original MIP will be released because of the remake crying smug

EDITED: Err actually, as I recall DS I think may have been released on the PSP before MIP was. Was SH ever? I dunno ninja

PS: Is SMT games being released on PSN (Japan) news worthy?
8  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: SMT & Persona figures to be released! on: June 23, 2010, 02:41:37 PM
Added to front page.

I should probably double check if there aren't any recent Spanish translations by Emilio which never got posted.

I'm assuming all of the Chinese comments are spam...

9  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: SMT & Persona figures to be released! on: June 23, 2010, 02:13:30 PM
Ahhhh, and I thought this place was good as dead!! I have the bbs and comments feed in my bookmarks with extensions so I am able to see any activity at all here immediately smokin

I've been wondering myself if Megaten itself has gone cold lately. Other than the PSP rehashes I don't see anything happening. I looked for any current gen Megaten game in the works the other day and turned up nothing.

I have not been following Megaten, though it occurred to me the other day that Strange Journey's antarctic theme might have been inspired by H.P. Lovecrafts, "At the Mountains of Madness".

So anyway, I will try to add this news asap. Please help out if you remember how to work the WordPress stuff. Thanks for hanging in there ninja

EDITED: Cool new avatar...
10  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / Sea of Souls / Re: yksehtniycul -- patron administrator on: March 17, 2010, 07:11:26 PM
Fixed the localization bug that would make urls with terms like "franchisers" get converted to French (because the term began with "fr" etc.)

$search[] = "/\/(".implode("|",$polyglot_settings['knownlangs']).")\/?/i"; $replace[] = '';
$search[] = "/\/(".implode("|",$polyglot_settings['knownlangs']).")\//i"; $replace[] = '/';
11  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Maintenance on: March 02, 2010, 02:49:21 AM is working again (sorry, forgot that folder was moved around on that server)

The search index is back, and I'm working to improve search somewhat. I don't know why the search results tend to stop around the second page. I'm looking into that foremost... and plan to try to make the server more reliable if possible.
12  Be Your True Mind / The Turnstile / on: February 20, 2010, 02:25:35 PM



When Metatron found that Beelzebub was fall asleep on the sofa,
he just sighed and turned off TV,
taking out a blanket to cover the lord of flies' gigantic body.
"Don't you think you wouldn't catch a cold, pal." The archangel whispered.




  Beelzebub caught a cold, even he himself couldn't believe it.

The Lord of Flies was sitting on the sofa with his body wrapped in a thick blanket, and the clinical thermometer was still holding in his mouthpart. Even though Beelzebub always wonder where his own nostrils are, the awful breath-stuffy was surely exists and became a great disturbance. The sore throat made him swallowed his own drool annoyingly.


"Isn't there any conception claimed that Devils are immunocold?" Beelzebub couldn't help but grumbled as his roommate took away the thermometer from his mouthpart.



"As far as I know, there's only a sort of certain being can apply to this so-called immunocold. You should be glad that you don't belong to this sort." Metatron said, as he scrutinized the clinical thermometer for a while. "No fever, but the symptoms of respiratory tract are quite acute. Sure that you don't need a doctor?" His emerald optics stared at the archdevil, who just turned his head away, pretending unnoticed what he said.





"It's just a cold, no big deal and no need for calling a doctor." Beelzebub's grunt was soon interrupted by another sneeze.

The archangel turned to reach the phone immediately, dialing a number and said, "I have no much time to attend you, just take care of yourself."

Beelzebub attempts to rose and intercept the receiver, but found that he was restrained by the spell his roommate cast and couldn't even move an inch.




After rang the doorbell, Thoth heard heavy and reluctant footsteps inside the room was approaching the door. Soon the door was slammed open, a gigantic head of fly sticking out from the doorway and stared at the tiny figure of the baboon.

The Egyptian deity of scribe sized up Beelzebub for a moment and said, "You are just chilled, it would be OK to take some medicine. Wouldn't you mind if I get in?"


Lord of Flies' bloody-red-lantern-like ommateums blinked. "Can I pass up the medicine?"


"…Or injection would also be available." Thoth shrugged." There are only two options you can choose nowadays: injection or medicine, no other alternatives." Thoth lifted the medical case on the floor and asked, "May I come in? For I'm here to do your roommate's favor, I would not like to come here just for doing nothing."



Beelzebub let the door wide open in great reluctance, he wrapped the blanket with himself and sit back to the sofa again, allowing Thoth to sit nearby for further diagnosis. "What a shame this is, a powerful devil is absolutely overwhelmed by simply a little cold." He took a tissue and blowed loudly, with his wide half-transparent wings trembling.




"Yeah? There are couple of deities under ill conditions recently." Thoth said, "Haven't you heard that Surtr caught a deadly serious cold few days ago? I have visited him for his illness."

Beelzebub straightened his body in astonishment, "Impossible! How could Jötnar catch a cold?"

The deity of scribe was busy at writing out a prescription as he replied, "Well, there's a long story to tell. The rough chap stole Odin's cherished mead and got awfully drunk. Guess what? He went to molest Tiamat! Can you imagine that? With that saline old femme?"


If Beelzebub's present form allowed him to roll his eyes, he definitely would did so; but he couldn't. Thus he just grunted in laughter and commented, "To judge by Surtr's vulgar taste, no wonder he would pick her."


Thoth looked at his patient gravely, "Though Tiamat is far from beautiful, her shape is full of outstanding brilliance among other goddesses. It's not surprising that Surtr chose her." He continued, "So the result is easy to figure out: that chaos-woman smote him with fierce ice attack spell, shouting that savages of Muspellheim are in no position to even touch her one hair. The spell of Tiamat cast was filled with offended rage toward that giant jerk, it's a great mercy for just left him caught a cold."



Beelzebub thought for seconds and asked,"On the other hand, I'm curious about the quality of Æsir's burglarproof techniques. Didn't the case of Thor's stolen Mjöllnir teach them the lesson?"



Thoth shrugged again, "Well, who knows? Perhaps this was just another conspiracy masterminded by Odin, for he was trying to delay the coming of Ragnarök. And so..."he gazed at Beelzebub meaningfully. "Compared to the old jerk Surtr, your catch-cold case of being just fell asleep on the sofa while watching TV, might be joyfully a piece of cake."



Lord of Flies felt his face blushes, is it because of the fever? He doubted that why a Divinity who conducted himself with serious dignity as Metatron is, would have a friendship with such a gossip banboo guy.



Thoth handed the packed medicine and instructions to Beelzebub, who was still pondering, and said,"All the details are written on the instructions, take the medicine as what it said can vouch for fast recovery. If it were not Metatron and I often discuss about our scribe works and to be friends, I would not allow myself wasting my free time to provide physician service to you and gossip. Gotta go, take care."


"Thanks a lot." Beelzebub grunted, wondering when will his roommate come back from his overtime.
13  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: North America gears up for a Strange Journe on: January 18, 2010, 12:48:35 AM
Top post edited smokin
14  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: Atlus USA Devil Survivor Site Comes Alive on: January 13, 2010, 04:52:26 PM
Espanol es go!!
15  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: SMT Strange Journey website goes live on: January 10, 2010, 10:27:20 AM
I threw up a version of your post with some technical edits...

You really should change anything you like, but sometimes there are formatting concerns, especially with headlines. The caption on the image is not necessary, you should remove it or make it more personal unless you don't care.

The /fr in /franchisers make this page display as French. That's a really retarded bug in the translation plugin I guess should fix.
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