For how long will CAVE block gaijin IMAGINE IPs??

4 de Junio de 2009 por yksehtniycul en

Update, June 19th: The blocking of foreign IPs has been ended. Though it appears some parts of the world might still be blocked out for particular reasons. Please let us know if you’re still blocked out where you live/play. This post is now de-sticky-fied.

This is a short and simple sticky until the block is lifted. I don’t know much except I can’t login, and I’ve sunk hours into this game, and can’t wrap my head around the entity that would just pull the plug on that sort of investment for someone else. So in short, this is a petition. To pledge, not to spend any money on Megaten products from any region until the block is lifted. You don’t have to play on the Japanese server to sign the petition - ie. leave a comment. Just agree it’s a shitty thing to do, and the wrong way to treat your fans. We live in a day when pirating software is much easier than ponying up at your nearest retailer. This site makes no bones about piracy, it’s a personal decision, made by people who feel like they’re being served or not.

We understand CAVE has reported that their servers have been compromised, and have decided to block foreign IPs until they feel secure. But let’s make it clear to all entities profiting from Megaten merchandise, we won’t stand to see this go on indefinitely.

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2 Responses to “For how long will CAVE block gaijin IMAGINE IPs??”

  1. Yuki Says:

    I recently received an e-mail from CAVE; they’re no longer blocking gaijin IPs.

  2. Digital Devil Database Says:

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the good news. It will be good to put this sticky post to rest and play some IMAGINE.

    I guess we should setup a news item to announce the end of the block-out asap…

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