
Devil Summoner 2 Making Headlines

2009年05月14日,星期四 by wolfzau at www.digitaldevildb.com

Is the sequel to Devil Summoner everything it should be?

Let’s find out…

The recently released “Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon” seems to be worth your money so says the internet buzz. Released on May 12th, the sequel to the popular first installment has gathered a rather high number of positive reviews. None of which seem to fall below the 80% mark. A high achievement indeed.

Here are some blurbs dredged from the internet…

RPGFan.com »“…one of the most vastly improved sequels I’ve ever played for an RPG.”
Thunderboltgames.com »“Raidou vs King Abaddon feels like the product of a company that listens to it’s customers.”
Destructoid.com »“Shin Megami Tensei and Devil Summoner series fans, we shouldn’t even need to say it: You need this game.”
1Up.com »“…the total revamp of the battle system makes Devil Summoner 2 more than “more of the same.”

So what is everyone so excited about?! Improved combat, graphics and extra content (not to mention multiple endings and story progression) are just some of the things praised with almost every review also adding that the game is a vast improvement over it’s predecessor in just about every way possible. But don’t take our word for it.

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Persona 3 EGM’s “Game of the Month”

2007年07月28日,星期六 by Tony at www.digitaldevildb.com

Continuing our last reviews post, a friend informs me that EGM has reviewed Persona 3 and given it the “Game of the Month Award”. The magazine uses a three score system, netting the game an 8.5, 9.5 and 9.5. Very nice.

I was lucky enough to get my hands on a review copy for Digital Devil Database just before the delay. If there’s anything else you’d personally like to know about the game, feel free to ask in the forums. It also looks like our interview with Atlus for the title will be made available closer to the game’s new release date.

Thanks to Charles for the information.

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Persona 3 Reviews Continued

2007年07月25日,星期三 by Tony at www.digitaldevildb.com

Figured it was worth making a new post about reviews for this game. Sure, it’s been delayed, but the review embargo has obviously ended as far as these sites are concerned. At least they were on the ball for the original date . . . . I remember a few instances were Devil Summoner reviews didn’t even appear until weeks later. Anyway, I’m going to include the reviews from the previous post just to keep these all in one place.

RPGFan - Damian Thomas’s review and Ashton Liu’s review.

Gamernode - Brian Lindsey’s review.

GameAlmighty - Matt Butrovich’s review.

Game Informer - Metacritic states GI gave the game an 8.5.

Play - Himuro informs us that Play gave the game a 9.5.

RPGamer - Michael Beckett’s review.

HonsterGamers - Staff review.

IGNPS2 - Jeff Haynes’s review.

Gamespot - Kevin VanOrd’s review.

Check out Metacritic’s page on the game for more as time goes on.

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