
First 42 Minutes of Persona 3

2007年07月25日,星期三 by Tony at www.digitaldevildb.com

I created a new video of the first 42 minutes of Persona 3. It’s been uploaded to GameVideos and GameTrailers.

It shows off every thing from the title screen all the way to the first time your character utilizes his Persona. Obviously the video is nothing but spoilers, so if you don’t want to ruin anything for yourself just skip it. However, in light of the delay I figured some people would be interested in this.

Unfortunately, the full sized video is just simply too large to easily distribute. It had to be compressed and lowered down to a 320×240 resolution. Obviously video sites compress video even more, but it’s still definitely watchable. The main issue, to me, is that the audio is noticeably more hiss-y. “S” sounds definitely don’t come off that poorly in the actual game.

I was going to embed the video, but unfortunately GameVideos’ player scales the video up and makes it look even worse. I would suggest going to the page for the video where you can either watch it or download it for yourself. Gametrailers, meanwhile, seems to have sampled the video up to a larger size. You can watch it here.

Update: Here’s a 640×480 resolution version.


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