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Author Topic: Persona 4 for ps2 (Read 103362 times)
Sadistic Desire

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Enid phones it in,
 « Reply #75 on: March 22, 2008, 02:45:45 PM »
Yeah,Emilio sums it up pretty well.

Take Nocturne and DDS,they have more of a dark,morbid, and it's the end of the world already atmosphere.

Sure P3 has it's dark moments,but it's not like through out the game,everybody is dead and the Shadows were running around the place,like how there are demons everywhere in DDS and Nocturne.

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Lycanthroat phones it in,
 « Reply #76 on: March 22, 2008, 03:54:36 PM »
Is it me or does the new Hero look dull?

If I'm honest, I'm not impressed. The US hasn't even got FES yet and P4's already has a release date? The characters don't look much different than P3's characters and Trinity Soul is a pretty bad anime (it's so goddamned boring and the Persona designs are too blurry and a let down) - Atlus is worrying me at this point.

I hope they pour everything into Shin Megami Tensei 4.

Lycanthroat has 128 Posts (+10/-0 Karma)
Heart of Shadows

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Heart of Shadows phones it in,
 « Reply #77 on: March 22, 2008, 05:33:16 PM »
One word for the main guy of persona 4..
BOWLCUT! ugh.. and yeah he looks boring.

With persona 3's main guy (Not calling him minato for fear of attack)
people talk about how he is emo looking and all that but it was just a hair style.
I don't know how to label this but I just so far like persona 3's main guy more.

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Jessicat phones it in,
 « Reply #78 on: March 23, 2008, 12:17:58 AM »
Quote from: Heart of Shadows;7159
One word for the main guy of persona 4..
BOWLCUT! ugh.. and yeah he looks boring.

With persona 3's main guy (Not calling him minato for fear of attack)
people talk about how he is emo looking and all that but it was just a hair style.
I don't know how to label this but I just so far like persona 3's main guy more.

Yea, while P3's main character looked more "mysterious" I guess you could say, P4's main looks more bland/dull in comparison. Vaguely reminds me of Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh with that ugly hair, but Kaiba was cooler (and that's not saying much XD)

Quote from: Lycanthroat;7154
I hope they pour everything into Shin Megami Tensei 4.

I totally agree. I like what I've played of P3 so far, but I liked Nocturne a whole lot more, (enough to replay it a few more times) ^^; If I do end up getting P4, it'd only be to attempt to gain my Nocturne party in persona form XD
I think i saw a kid on the party on that 15 minute trailer thing; I wonder if they'll have a random animal join the team too, (imagine a ferret with summoning glasses! I don't really want to see another dog though...)

If Atlus wants to keep spamming this series they might as well make a game based on Koromaru's adventures before joining SEES; it could be called "Fursona" XD I think that'd be better than P4 anyways ;>>

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deddo phones it in,
 « Reply #79 on: March 23, 2008, 03:30:40 AM »
pics from the famitsu site

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yksehtniycul phones it in,
 « Reply #80 on: March 23, 2008, 04:21:32 AM »
The anime style looks incredibly generic by contemporary standards. I've probably only seen a handful of seconds combined of the P3 anime cutscenes on television, but I swear it looked like some of the most interesting anime art I've seen in years. Was that just choice cuts for the trailer, or how would you compare the two anime wise?

I should probably try youtube or something to see if I can find more of it.

I really despise the kind of anime used in P4 though. Its just the pinnacle of derivative or something. Its just lame, there I said it.

The music is just disappointing, cause it seems like Persona could be a really music driven game. There is much better music than this in japan. I wonder if it is produced in house or not, or if these are popular singles?

Did that singer just say hur?

editted: I dunno if its Persona really, but I'm really impressed with the opening P3 movie:

I even think a heavy dose of rap in the score would've probably been the right fit for it if pulled off cleverly. Of course lyrics in a bgm you have to listen to every fight is a rule #1 no no!

--- I swear this anime is the best I've seen in more than a decade.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 05:03:28 AM by yksehtniycul »

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 « Reply #81 on: March 23, 2008, 04:37:29 AM »
Quote from: Neao;7148
You're definently missing something more. You seem to have this unflinching cynicism towards JRPGs, well Atlus specifically as I don't know much of what you like, and it seems to distort your enjoyment for the parts you like about the genre. At least, that's what I see. I haven't seen much praise for Atlus' games from you at all, aside from those pseudo praises you give out on occasion. It's fine that you don't like them, but calling them unplayable? Unless you meant that you yourself could not sit down and play the games for more than five minutes, I get what you mean. But they are certainly are 'playable' by general standards.  

About this 'fetish' thing: I understand JRPGs are catered to a specific crowd, but I do not think it's that bad. Sure, there are variations all around that are within the bounds of its genre. You could say the same towards any genre, they all do things to cater to a specific person. In light of a better word, because fetish is just a horrible word period, they're more obscure. I wouldn't call them a fetish because, as I said before, any game in any genre would focus on what their game is supposed to be. Therefore, if you want to play a shooter because you desire a shooter specifically for enjoyment, isn't that a fetish too? Awareness of a genre doesn't have much to do with it, since technically all of these games fall under the fetish classification.

Persona 4(Otherwise my post would be way off-topic): I have faith that Atlus will give me an enjoyable game. They haven't let me down since I first got into the series. Each subsequent game I've played has been great, and I hold high hopes for this one. This murder/mystery take is also a very intriguing one, I'll enjoy seeing where they take it.

As far as Persona is concerned, the first games characters were kinda lame, but the atmosphere was pure genius. As for the rest of the series, and Megaten largely since, the descriptor I have to stick to it is really idiotic. I admit, calling the games unplayable, was perhaps rash... what I really meant was un-stomach-able I guess. I mostly blame Kazuma, who must regard himself as an infaliable demi-god by now to seriously pull all the shit out of his ass he does. The only technically good piece in his third Megaten book:

I can't really pinpoint the man. My best guess is he completely fried his brains on drugs about three times in his career, and restarted virtually from scratch each time. He really needs an editor that understands the rudiments of composition.

I apologize for really going overboard. But ask, and you shall receive contract

editted: I say "career", but near as I can tell, he basically has done art for nearly every megaten video game ever, and little else. I'm pretty sure he's responsible for MT2 at least. The MT2 sprite art is actually much better than the manual art, which kaneko did I'm pretty sure now. His art then really seemed extremely amateurish, but unique. Honestly, I'm surprised anyone would hire him with that stuff. He probably was a friend of someones. But MT2 was a pretty major game nonetheless. I guess anime really trumped games back then. Fun fact, I think MT2 might be regarded as the most sophisticated Famicom cart musically.

editted: I think where we differ, is you're a japanese video game fan, and I'm an art fan. The problem is Megaten can skirt so dangerously close to serious art at times :)

I'm always looking for that moment where video games become real art. Not necessarily fine art, but somewhere beyond purely commercial art. Pop art maybe. If by pop art, you mean real artists speaking in the language of popular culture versus advertisers masquerading as concerned artists.

I still think I might really enjoy P3 (probably mostly because Kazuma is not involved), but sadly, P4 does look like a sub par effort released on the back of P3 for dubious financial motives.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 05:22:00 AM by yksehtniycul »

yksehtniycul has 2094 Posts (+0/-0 Karma)

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Neao phones it in,
 « Reply #82 on: March 23, 2008, 09:11:42 AM »
Yeah I guess we do differ in that aspect. Although I still believe video games are a form of art in their own part, but I don't much care for art so I don't look at it in an artistic perspective, I just look at it as a game. I always thought the art in the Megaten games were fine, it didn't repel me from the screen, but then again I've only had up to high school education in art so what do I know? I understand where your coming from now, but don't fully agree. I won't get on your case on this anymore since I found the reason:P.

Neao has 177 Posts (+13/-0 Karma)
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Lycanthroat phones it in,
 « Reply #83 on: March 23, 2008, 11:08:38 PM »
I've always loved Kaneko's art. Alongside - let's say, Tetsuya frickin' Nomura - I think his artwork is a breath of fresh air in purely JRPG terms. His work on the Persona series, Lucifer's Call and Digital Devil Saga are what inspired me to start concept designing. I don't worship the ground he walks on, but in a over-populated sometimes insipid genre, his work stands out.

Argilla's design still gives me the giggles ^_^

On to P4, it has been called a "clone of P3" by rpgamer and I have to say I half agree. I'm secretly pleased it's on PS2 (in my book, there's still a great variety of games on it I'm interested in) but hope it does something to distinguish itself from P3. I really like the idea that the lead wears glasses.

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DevilRy phones it in,
 « Reply #84 on: March 24, 2008, 01:10:03 AM »
See, I've always thought Kaneko was the saving grace of a lot of Megaten games.  I mean let's face it, without interesting demons the game series would be pretty much for crap.  And Kaneko has drawn every single one of them (aside from the new Persona in P3 & P4).  He's essentially to Megaten what Toriyama is to Dragon Quest.  To tell you the truth the only real character designs he came up with that I thought were maybe a little questionable were Persona 2's, and those I think really because they fell short of what they were supposed to be... also the way he drew Maya's jacket? - no self-respecting woman would ever wear that.

His early stuff really is amateurish, but compared to other video games of the period that was pretty standard.  I mean look at the character drawings for the original Rock Man games sometime, they aren't much better.  The only good art in games back then seemed to be painted on the sides of arcade machines or on the occasional cheesy box-art (I've often wondered what became of the many 80s box-art painters of the world).

« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 01:44:04 AM by DevilRy »

DevilRy has 435 Posts (+23/-0 Karma)
Emilio Morales
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Emilio Morales phones it in,
 « Reply #85 on: March 24, 2008, 09:37:31 AM »
It´s the occult and post-apocalyptic themes, that make Megaten what it is. And about Kaneko´s art, for me, its just the best!! I admired Tetsuya Nomura a lot, but since FFX the characters began to suck, though I really like all characters design from FFVII and FFVIII, (being Squall, Vincent, Cloud and Sephiroth the best). And once I discovered the art of Kaneko, no other could catch my attention as Kaneko did.

Of course, this is just my opinion, as other may look at Kaneko´s art like crap or other (like me) look at Kaneko´s art, and believe he´s the best.

Without Kaneko´s art, all the Megaten games would not be the same!! After all, he´s the Demon Artist! He´s just the best of the best, with both demons and characters design. :notworth::notworth:

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yksehtniycul phones it in,
 « Reply #86 on: March 24, 2008, 12:23:24 PM »
I enjoy his art on a mind opening level. I have no complaints about his stuff pre-SMT2 (SMT2 probably being his finest hour) ...I know he had something to do with Persona, but I just can't believe the man who did the final compositions for Persona (MIP) is the same man now producing this ridiculous SMT3 type stuff. He's like a guy flying a jumbo jet that never learned to how to take off or land. His stuff really starts pissing me off with the Devil Summoner games.

I guess maybe I would sum up the new style, as less a meeting of spiritual beings and magical creatures, and more like a saturday morning cartoon show full of lots of wacked out colourful things that would look good in plastic geared for the 7yo demo. A technically butchered eye sore with about 10 things more going on than any character composition should ever have, most of which could be classified as outlandish fetishes. Amusing for about a second, but not much longer. The End.

PS: I really like the core devils ok enough. Almost all the IMAGINE devils are fine by me. But when he goes trying to make something original or like a one off character/boss, its always bound to be a nightmare anymore. If you look at MakenX its probably the best example of this brand of bafoonery. Its kinda ok if its limited to one game and consistent like MakenX, and you assume the game is supposed to be some whacked experience you can only find in Japan that pushes the boundaries of madness on display. But its just fucked up to do to a Megaten game (though maybe less so the Persona series given complicated contextual arguments I won't go into) ...the general degradation of his compositions since SMT2 in general though does baffle and irritate me. Ultimately though, mild success generally does amount to a decline of ability in most cases.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 12:33:37 PM by yksehtniycul »

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Himuro phones it in,
 « Reply #87 on: March 24, 2008, 01:16:18 PM »
See, I've always thought Kaneko was the saving grace of a lot of Megaten games. I mean let's face it, without interesting demons the game series would be pretty much for crap.

Did i really just fucking read this? Really? REALLY? Yeah let's forget about the gameplay, the unique stories and settings, the mature content, the wonderful characters, the sometimes open ended nature of the stories. The demon designs are totally the reason I play SMT games.

what the christ.

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DevilRy phones it in,
 « Reply #88 on: March 25, 2008, 10:36:27 AM »
Quote from: Himuro;7179
Did i really just fucking read this? Really? REALLY? Yeah let's forget about the gameplay, the unique stories and settings, the mature content, the wonderful characters, the sometimes open ended nature of the stories. The demon designs are totally the reason I play SMT games.

what the christ.

Yeah, out of context that really reads as something to lash out against doesn't it? :footinmou

So essentially what your saying is, if all the Nakama in every single Megaten game looked like Pocket Monsters you'd still play it?

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Lycanthroat phones it in,
 « Reply #89 on: March 26, 2008, 01:57:55 PM »
I dunno. I quite like the sound of post-apocalyptic Satanic Pokemon beating the shit out of each other, enslaved by their power-crazed, S&M obsessed masters and mistresses who want nothing more than to sacrifice the world to their dark god. Or something.

What? I'd buy it v

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