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211  Be Your True Mind / The Turnstile / Re: What kanji do you thinks best descibes you? on: October 23, 2005, 08:56:03 PM
Quote from: Nuu
....unless you're actually a guy.

Too pretty to be a guy.
212  Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Re: Xenosaga Episode III on: October 23, 2005, 02:15:21 PM
Quote from: Argilla
No, no! You got it all wrong! D:
FFVII: Lack of Aerith
FFVIII: Rinoa...

I fail to see what the big deal about Rinoa was. She wasn't nearly as obnoxious as Tifa -- of course, most people seem to like Tifa because of her bust size -- a towering advantage she has over Rinoa.
213  Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Re: Xenosaga Episode III on: October 23, 2005, 01:42:19 PM
Quote from: Early Archer
That makes sense.
FFVII: hideous grafics
FFVIII: hideous story

I don't consider FFVII's story to be any better than FFVIII's. As I said, they both suck, but FFVII had more suckage than just its graphics. Though, I think this can be said about pretty much 99% of Square's games.
214  Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Re: Xenosaga Episode III on: October 23, 2005, 01:25:14 PM
Quote from: Argilla
Nuu, you're right. I guess if the FF series did follow one storyline I'd be frighten. D: Well, there is the whole huge FFVII media mania going on. I heard some put up a petition for a bigger FFVIII franchise...good god. I hope not. I hated VIII.

Like FFVII was any better than VIII. They were both hideous in their own, unique ways.
215  Be Your True Mind / The Turnstile / Re: What kanji do you thinks best descibes you? on: October 22, 2005, 11:09:43 AM
Quote from: Soulless_Beast
Please tell me you know what 'kyoujin' means before you judge.

Because, obviously I can't know what I'm talking about, nor know what exactly I'm judging.
216  Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Re: Shadow of the Colossus on: October 22, 2005, 10:13:02 AM
Quote from: Sith Lord Illidan
Anyway, Shadow of the Colosus so far sounds interesting, you're supposed to kill giants by climbing on to them and finding a soft spot so you can use it for victory. That sounds very neat.

They're a goddamn liability.

a price drop since he also wants to get Xenosaga Episode 2 since it's finally $20 (He didn't want to pay $50 for it because he told me Episode 2 was actually a short game)

I don't blame him -- I would never pay more than $20 for any Xeno- game, seeing as how the series isn't that good to begin with.
217  Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Shadow of the Colossus on: October 22, 2005, 04:43:45 AM
So, who has, or is wanting to get, Shadow of the Colossus? What're your thoughts on it so far and how far into it are you? Is it what you expected it to be? For those of you who have played Ico, do you consider SoTC to be as good as Ico, better, or worse?
218  Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Re: Current? on: October 22, 2005, 01:34:01 AM
Game(s): ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Dynasty Warriors 4, The Warriors
Music: Heal, You Were There (ICO), Flyin' To Your Heart (Guitaroo Man), Yuuguu Red (Orange Range -- eww, Japanese music)
Movie: House of Wax (What the hell?)

Argilla: Your avatar reminds me of cherry cordials, for some reason. I do enjoy cherry cordials. Very much. Nice.
219  Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Re: The Guilty Gear Tarot card theory on: October 22, 2005, 12:46:33 AM
Quote from: Early Archer
No way. Not a chance.
A guy who is the head of a big organization, and who knows everybody who is somebody in the GG world wouldn´t fit as the Hermit at all. And besides, he´s married.hearton
I think he fits The Devil card very well because of the reasons stated above and the fact that´s he´s an immortal, but still care about the matterial world and stuff.

By the way, since you´re such a Chipp fan, why don´t you give me your opinnion of what card he could be. I really don´t have a clue about him.:buh:

I don't know much of anything about Tarot cards. The Hanged Man, maybe?
220  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Nirvana / Re: How does Cielo's hair work? on: October 22, 2005, 12:40:52 AM
Quote from: Nuu
For normal people, though, who supposedly to exist in the same world as us...
I'm going to give myself Cielo hair just because Kaneko is infallible. INFALLIBLE, NUU. It'd look stupid, but infallible.
221  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Nirvana / Re: How does Cielo's hair work? on: October 22, 2005, 12:30:08 AM
Quote from: Nuu
Huh.  Maybe he just combs a chunk of his hair down so they're not technically sideburns?  
Well, how does Ulala's hair work? I can't even think of a way to make that work.

As well, even if Cielo's hair are dreads, there's still like... two chunks that loop back and stick back in his head.  That doesn't really... make a whole lot of sense.

Kaneko doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The guy is like, on an unlimited supply of Japan's best 'shrooms. I blame the 'shrooms for the non-sensical hair and weird character/demon designs.

Iunno who Ulala's hair works -- I don't really like her, anyways. Yukino's Persona 2 hair is also kind of weird... Though, looks a lot better than her Persona 1 hair, just looks weird.
222  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Nirvana / Re: How does Cielo's hair work? on: October 21, 2005, 11:59:07 PM
Quote from: Nuu
I think they're supposed to be dreads, but they look more like braids. :/

Eh, I'm sure they're dreadlocks, just fancy, blue dreadlocks, mon. :\ I think what's more baffling is how Katsuya Suou's hair works -- his sideburns flow in the wind.

Of course, I'm not a hairstylist, so...
223  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Nirvana / Re: How does Cielo's hair work? on: October 21, 2005, 11:40:57 PM
I thought they were just dreadlocks? I.E. They work naturally...
Dreadlocks are matted ropes of hair which will form by themselves if the hair is allowed to grow naturally without the use of brushes, combs, razors or scissors for a long period of time.

Unless, I misunderstood your question. Hair doesn't have to physically work, though.
224  Be Your True Mind / The Turnstile / Re: What kanji do you thinks best descibes you? on: October 21, 2005, 08:51:10 PM
Quote from: Soulless_Beast
It's 'Kyoujin'

Anyways, 傲慢不遜 for me.
225  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Nirvana / Re: Anyone know where... on: October 21, 2005, 08:40:34 PM
On the internets.

3 Days Later Edit: And this is in the wrong area. Do you not read the area descriptions? You've done this numerous times already.
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