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1  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / Re: SPLIT: Potpourri is the devil and other offtopic classics on: October 28, 2008, 12:25:39 AM
I've already stated what the problem is, but you want to dismiss it as petty. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I have done all the candy coating to them that I can. Several did join here recently, and the rest had been members already here for years.

Some of these boards have gone to the trouble of creating their own SMT subforums.
2  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / Re: SPLIT: Potpourri is the devil and other offtopic classics on: October 28, 2008, 12:19:04 AM
^And the fact that I personally know 10-15 people who are desperate for a decent site to discuss SMT kind of goes against that.

Many of them have gone to other smaller, non-corporate boards.

I definitely not saying you have to be "sugar and spice and everything nice" but you seem to be in denial that you tend to come off as quite confrontational. I know I'm not the only one that sees that.
3  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / Re: SPLIT: Potpourri is the devil and other offtopic classics on: October 28, 2008, 12:01:12 AM
Anyone is certainly welcome (encouraged) to involve themselves in any discussion. But this is the site dev board. So unless a user wants to help in that way, it really isn't their business (ie, just not worth their time to read)

Fair enough, but most other boards don't grant access to the public for areas such as this. Voicing a legitimate concern regarding the welfare of the board.........fuck it..... this is pointless

PS: I'm still not convinced this site will get off the ground, but I think I've heard enough excuses as to why -- whereas far as I'm concerned there just isn't enough independent interest in Megaten. If people aren't interested for petty reasons, they only have their self to hold responsible. We will only be able to improve upon the site so much after all.

Good luck with the board. Maybe if you took a more backseat approach you would see results instead of dismissing people's thoughts (i.e. what you deem as petty reasons) and getting nowhere. I would say the copious amount of traffic at various other boards indicates that there may be enough interest in SMT, but I have a feeling you are really unwilling to look at or even address the real problem here. I have encountered more than a generous handful that are totally put off by you and the way you conduct yourself here, and I have on more than one occasion defended you, but maybe they were onto something. I hope things turn around here.
4  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / Re: SPLIT: Potpourri is the devil and other offtopic classics on: October 27, 2008, 11:44:15 PM
I agree to a great extent, but I think it's going overboard to conclude people are right to be disheartened by a discussion they don't have much business being involved in.

It is more about the general perception it creates than it is about the topic itself. With virtually no traffic, when the majority of posts you read involve some sort of jack assery, with both parties I might add, it tends to dissuade others from wanting to post...

If they don't have business in being involved in a discussion on a public message board, than maybe the discussion shouldn't be public.
5  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / Re: SPLIT: Potpourri is the devil and other offtopic classics on: October 27, 2008, 11:14:09 PM
I don't understand why people can't disagree on something on the internet without someone (who usually is not even taking part in the argument in the first place) being offended.   

This may have been a general statement and I will treat it as such, but I wasn't offended. After not checking this place out for various reasons for the past several weeks, I happened to look at this thread first. With little to no traffic, of course threads like this are going to stick out. It has little to do with two people disagreeing and more to do with the asinine manner in which they are doing it and the topic that is being disagreed about. I guess my enthusiasm about this board was misplaced.

Isn't this something the two of you could have handled via PMs? I know one of you stated that there isn't traffic here because no one is aware of the place, but I can assure you that I have tried to direct a handful of friends and former posters back here only to have them be totally turned off by some of the on going prattle. Fuck, I would rather see Heat around here and read his crap posts -- and that is pretty bad.

It does look pretty adversarial, and yeah, despite the lack of certain characterizations, it does look like the Haven.
6  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / SPLIT: Potpourri is the devil and other offtopic classics on: October 26, 2008, 11:45:33 PM
For fuck's sake. This is place is pretty much turning into the Haven........

7  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Nintendo DS on: October 09, 2008, 05:11:20 PM

I'm not arguing anything either. On my last post I was basically agreeing with you as to why someone would think that they may have a shot without knowing some of what has been said by Atlus elsewhere.

I'm not sure I can agree with you about the localization. Your rationale seems a tad elitist -- and I hate using that term. It kind of reminds me of the prevalent mentality around the old Haven prior to Nocturne being announced for a stateside release. 

Anyway (this is a tad off topic), I hope that this doesn't come off the wrong way as it isn't meant as an insult, but I wonder if some people are hesitant to come back or join here because the mood seems much more combative (maybe in a much more passive aggressive way than say the Haven) now than it did when I initially joined back in 2005.

I appreciate all of the work you have done to resurrect this place, but I can't help being put off by the tone of the conversation from time to time.....such as the time I supported some of your tinkering and I basically got lambasted. For what I still don't understand. Yeah, I know you have said it isn't personal or it isn't your intention, but it can still be quite grating. Blah.....anyway, dumb rant............

8  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Nintendo DS on: October 09, 2008, 02:47:20 PM
Ah, sure enough, I see it. Although I think that is a pretty ambiguous statement.

I guess I totally passed it off at the time, because we were already being told it was a virtual impossibility on the boards and in chat.
9  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Nintendo DS on: October 09, 2008, 01:00:10 PM
^That is fine, but I remember that interview, and I can't seem to remember anyone ever hinting at digital distribution in the U.S.  rolleyes
10  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Nintendo DS on: October 09, 2008, 12:36:20 AM
^You can believe what you want, but I am just telling you what I heard straight from the horse's mouth. ;)

And this horse happens to repeat itself often...At least on the VC, SMT 1 and 2 will never happen in the U.S.

edit - Actually, here is one of the comments:

11  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Nintendo DS on: October 08, 2008, 03:56:16 PM
Yeah, something like that. Basically they're saying they're willing to consider the localization, but unwilling to gamble on the distribution I guess.

I know this is a bit late, but I think the localization part is a little off. Guys over at Atlus USA have repeatedly stated that something like SMT I and II is pretty much out of their hands on VC due to how it is set up. They would pretty much make zero money. I'm pretty sure comments like this are still up on the new board over at Atlus.
12  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona Encyclopedia Britannica on: October 08, 2008, 03:49:14 PM
Haha, oh wow. I actually own this book.

Now if only I could find a torrent of Devil Summoner World Guidance/Encyclopedia Britannica.

I actually own the DS one. Pretty damn nice. :)
13  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: Megaten Haven dead? on: October 02, 2008, 05:16:59 PM
As a mod at Atlus, I could care less about advertising for this board. I see no problem with it.

There is even a person there  I can't stand advertising for her EO board and I have never said a word.
14  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / Re: The time has come to appoint our moderators! on: September 15, 2008, 07:48:05 PM
If you can wait a little while, I may be willing to be a mod. I just have to wait to see about something else.......
15  Reincarnation / Beta Opening Only / Re: Whoa...! What the... on: September 15, 2008, 07:43:51 PM
^That is fine. No need for the Karma points. Like you said, that could be a sticky situation regarding arguments.

I didn't mean to jump on anyone. I just felt it was a little silly to get so bent out of shape.
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