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DDDBジャンプ— Shin Megami Tensei Online: IMAGINE Klan

5 Dicembre 2007 by Tony at

yksehtniycul was nice enough to make a Digital Devil Database based klan in Shin Megami Tensei Online: IMAGINE. The name of the klan is DDDBジャンプ— and it can be searched for from the terminal in the city you start out in. While it only currently contains a handful of members, we obviously hope it will increase in size as time goes on. As is pointed out in the thread, the klan is largely to help people get started in the game.

If you would like to get more information or join up, please visit the thread on the subject. Any other questions can be posted in the new section for the game on our forums. The game is free to play, although you must be able to read Japanese (or at least able to memorize what button does what, like I do).

Big thanks again to yksehtniycul for all of this.

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