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MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Ready for Pre-order
on: November 12, 2006, 10:47:30 PM
XD Yay! I knew something before someone else! I can inform instead of nag for once! :D
I just ordered SMT:Nocturne and KOF:2006 (Thanks for not ordering any copies, GameStop...) from there, so I'm hoping everything goes well. I wish I could've gotten the strategy guide, but I'm not too keen on paying 40-100 dollars for a copy. >.>
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Ready for Pre-order
on: October 30, 2006, 04:29:50 PM
Waiting sounds good considering it is more than half a year away. I think I just got overly excited and wasn't sure about throwing money at something I wasn't posiitve was a credible source... I'll stick it out until I hear word of the pre-order packs making their way over. (If I keep saying it, it will come true! >.<) And, as usual: Yeah, it's been available for pre-order for an eternity. I'm always the last to know. :buh:
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Ready for Pre-order
on: October 28, 2006, 11:10:57 PM
SO, apparently Persona 3 is already available for pre-order or so sayeth I'm getting all flail-ey and excited! There's no other information other than the release date--May 1st, 2007--not even any box art. ._. I've never ordered anything from Amazon so naturally I'm suspicious (They're out to get me!). I'd like to order the game + the guide and a pre-order pack, that is if god doesn't completely hate us and we actually have the opportunity to do so... What a to-do. I don't want to pre-order and then get ripped off or boned out some spectacular pre-order bundle from some other place. Help! Someone make all of my decisions for me! >.< Amazon Page.
Be Your True Mind / The Turnstile / Re: Official Introduction Thread
on: October 03, 2006, 11:15:15 PM
Hello all. I figured I should join, considering how long I've been lurking. I have to admit, this is probably the single friendliest Megaten forum I've been to. This should be fun You shut your face and post! >:D Oh, and "welcome!" to both you and Paradise. :D
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: IS english patch!
on: September 15, 2006, 10:44:31 PM
it would never be a black Playstation capable disc. It would be burnt on a CD you could buy at the store. ^ Knew that. SOrry if I confused things. >.< But yeah, hooray for illegal copies.
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: IS english patch!
on: September 14, 2006, 09:56:10 PM
I see. ... -Crickets- >.> So, once the whole patch is complete it would be possible to make actual IS playstation discs, right? ... *Wooden cogs creaking* And that means someone could make copies of the now localized game and give them to whomever they wish, correct?
...Hint, hint.
Be Your True Mind / Digital Millennium / Picture Sharing!
on: September 12, 2006, 10:17:05 PM
I'm a little hoarding picture fiend and I thought there might be a few of you out there who are as well, so I thought I'd start this thread! If anyone is looking for a certain picture of a certain something (a certain appropriate something...) and another person just happens to come by or to have said picture then by all means assist your fellow man(woman--person--human, whatever's most PC). It'll be fun, like a scavenger hunt with no prizes. ... Group hug! :group
+ Grocery List + -Persona 2 Gabriel -Persona 2 Asteria/Astria -Persona 2 Hermes -Persona 2 Hyperion
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: IS english patch!
on: September 12, 2006, 01:55:45 PM
Basically, you'd need to copy the game to your computer, apply the patch to the image file it creates (generally known as an ISO, but also appears in Bin/Cue format and countless others) and then burn that file to a new disc.
So, you'd basically need a solution to play back-ups on your original system or be able to run the game in an emulator. When you say burn to a disc, do you mean you'd be able to run it in a PS2 like a normal game...? :buh: