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1  Be Your True Mind / The Turnstile / Re: Member Picture Thread (Show Ya Face!) on: April 28, 2008, 04:27:10 PM
necroing with a photo:

ENJOY ... ?
2  Be Your True Mind / The Turnstile / Re: How old are you? on: April 28, 2008, 04:24:31 PM
22 and in the usa
3  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Differences in FES on: April 28, 2008, 04:20:13 PM
hey there.  i'm about 10 hours into FES, and theres no compendium in sight.  am i ever gonna get one?

does anybody else know the other main (read: annoying) differences in Episode Aigis and the original?

4  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: how many of you got executed? on: March 18, 2008, 02:21:52 PM
did anybody else glitch out while being executed?  when we were in the hotsprings, junpei drowned ryoji for like 10 entire minutes, with drowning sound effects on loop.
5  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Revelations Persona Graphics on: March 18, 2008, 02:17:01 PM
thanks so much for posting all those graphics rips.  very cool
6  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Pesrona 3 Glitch on: March 18, 2008, 02:00:49 PM
Quote from: MasterofStrings;6777
I read elsewhere about a glitch involving Homunculus and the Antique Shop. But when asked about it no one was able to give me an answer. CAn anybody here tell me about this and/or any other glitches in P3?

i did the homunculus glitch.  you have to have at least one homunculus, and remember how many you have, because you wont be able to look at the menu without crashing your game until the bug has been completed.  go into the 1st floor of tartarus, and use any Mudo or Hama skill on Cowardly Maya.  the glitch will eat one of your homunculus for each maya instead of killing it.  do this until you know you are out of homunculi, and then do it one more time to be sure you now have "negative" homunculi.  again, dont go to your item menu to look at it, because the game will crash.

the next day, get a homunculus either at the item store or from an item box in tartarus. (if you cant make one in the store, just go to floor 99 of tartarus over and over.  there is a 10% chance of the item box on floor 99 having a homunculus in it)

when you obtain a homunculus through the store or an item chest, you should now have 99 homunculi.  you no longer have to worry about the game crashing.

also, heres a video of someone doing the glitch on youtube.

good luck!
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