questions sounds a little rare but... Whats is the propouse of the wiki? the wiki is only for imagine or we can include articles about others shin megamis series?
:cheers: -.-U and thats is everything..... Good Luck!! by the way,Jose is not a very americanist name right? << your name remember me Mexico for a reason....
well my first thread and is only for wish to everyone merri christmas or whatever is the holyday << im only 15 so my parents continue give me gifts wonder it is a good idea ask for a DS or if anyone have a better idea please tell here << I am very influenced by the opinion of the people
Sephiroth was a ridiculously mediocre character from a ridiculously mediocre game
agree with heat, Final Fantasy VII must die << but is the only game of the FF that have a movie wathever is a very bad idea put hitoshura vs sephirot obviosly Hitoshura wins in 1 turn