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1  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 3 U.S. Press Release and Details on: June 05, 2007, 09:57:50 PM
Quote from: Heat;3056

Yeah, it pisses me off. Why should we show them any respect if they're not going to show us any?

Respect? How can you ask for respect when it was us who were disrespected at first?

Quote from: Kakizaki;3055

I get tired of the image you and many others are projecting.

Mmm... If many others speak ill of you as well, there must be a reason for it, don't you think?
We didn't create that image, it had its origins with you.

But lets stop with this arguing since it won't lead us anywhere.
2  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 3 U.S. Press Release and Details on: June 04, 2007, 08:31:43 PM
Quote from: Heat;3051
Seems like you're doing the same thing, though.
Totally owned haha!:xd:
Anyway I'll stand onto that.
3  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 3 U.S. Press Release and Details on: June 04, 2007, 08:17:05 PM
Quote from: Heat;3047
It's funny how you're all pissed off about Stack Bundle's remarks towards... whatever the hell country it is you're from, but then you go on some Anti-USA tangent. Nice going. You even used the term "hypocrite", yet you're obviously one yourself.

Also, I believe Stack Bundles is a male, so it would be "fiance". Unless, you're trying to insult him by referring to him as a woman, but then wouldn't that be considered sexist? Edit: Unless you're referring to me. Your terrible English is quite confusing. I, too, am a male. So, it would still be "fiance".

I'm also inclined to believe that you're either Emilio Morales, or one of his friends he decided to sic on us because he can't defend himself.

Ok maybe I went to far in the last quote, so it goes like this:
Just for the record Heat, Stack Bundles started the conflict. Because it's the truth, it was yourself who stated that this is a public forum and everyone has the right to write their opinion, Stack Bundles is just flaming.

Now, how would I be a "hypocrite"?
4  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 3 U.S. Press Release and Details on: June 04, 2007, 07:42:01 PM
Quote from: Stack Bundles;3025
Emilio, it's probably the language barrier at work here, but you're dumb as dirt. Then again, considering that you're from Guatemala, it probably isn't.

So you are that proud of your country?
Oh U.S.A. enemy of humanity, you destroy earth with your pollution, you speak of freedom when you're oppressing other countries to obtain their oil (such hypocrites), you meddlesome country appearing where you are not invited. Oh and you fill our planet with nukes.
Foul yankees don't start saying things about other countries as your short minds can't expand to know anything else but yourselves.

Quote from: Stack Bundles;2998
^I hate reading your posts.

Just for the record Heat your Fiancée started the conflict.
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