MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Megaten Hell / So uh, in case anyone stops by here...
on: December 28, 2020, 12:12:50 AM
I can no longer access my website-end account as the email associated with it no longer exists. Whoops.
Otherwise, I'm still alive and have been archiving and posting some megaten merch I own over at ShinMegamiTuesday on twitter. I'm a little stuck right now as apparently new MEGA accounts only have 15GB not 50GB of storage and I've already filled it up.
With the Nocturne HD Remaster there's been a small surge in new SMT merch but it's largely old Kaneko art repurposed and/or recoloured (still not sure who thought the piss filter on the games cover art was a good idea).
Still holding out for Raja Naga to get added to Dx2 lol. And hey, SMTV isn't a lost legend anymore :v
Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / NEWS: More SMT merchandise coming this year!
on: April 10, 2011, 09:05:50 PM
Both FuRyu and MegaHouse are back again this year with new sets of Shin Megami Tensei and Persona merchandise! FuRyu has its next figure candidates for set 2 of it's "Real Figure" [リアルフィギュア] series: Lucifer [ルシファー] and Kerberos/Cerberus [ケルベロス]. Lucifer is about 20cm [8"] tall, and Kerberos is 19cm [7.5"] long. Release date for these are July 25, 2011. They retail for 1,200 Yen each or 2,400 Yen for the full set. Otacute is taking pre-orders for both: Lucifer | KerberosHobby Link Japan has listings up but not taking pre-orders yet: Lucifer | Kerberosamiami has their full set bundle pre-order sold out, but Kerberos alone is still available [no listing for Lucifer alone] Full Set [sold out] | KerberosThere are no official English news articles on this release, but more images and information in Japanese are here: Gigazine.net | AtlusCh BlogGame Characters Collection Mini Part II continues the figure series by MegaHouse, featuring these Persona 3 & Persona 4 characters: P3P female protagonist, Aegis (kimono), Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Yosuke Hanamura, Kuma/Teddy, Chie Satonaka, Nanako Doujima and one secret character. In the same style as the first series, these are small figures measuring 3cm [1.25"] tall. Release date is late May 2011. Retail price is 4,560 Yen for a random box of 12 figures. Boxes are available for pre-order from: Hobby Search | amiami
Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: SMT & Persona figures to be released!
on: June 24, 2010, 07:51:53 PM
Ah, thanks for getting that up, full-time work means most of my daily surfing is done on a [crappy] mobile phone ^^;
As for other SMT-related news, I've only heard about Atlus supporting the 3DS with a couple SMT games announced at E3 a little while back; it's not stated if they're remakes or new stuff though [but it'll be in 3D!!1! lol]. Other than that, haven't heard much either sadly ^^;
Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / NEWS: SMT & Persona figures to be released!
on: June 21, 2010, 10:10:51 PM
Atlus has been busy! There's a bunch of SMT and Persona related figures in the works to be released later this year. First are the "Real Figure" [リアルフィギュア] series by FuRyu, a set of 2 demons, Shiva [ シヴァ] and Thor [トール] These figures are 17cm [6.75"], and are available as a set, priced at 2,200Y, or individually for 1,100Y each. Hobby Link Japan is taking pre-orders for both figures individually. To be released October 10th, 2010. Next are the Game Characters Collection Mini series by MegaHouse, featuring these Persona 3 & Persona 4 characters: P3 protagonist, Aigis, Aigis (uniform), Orpheus, P4 protagonist, Teddie/Kuma, Shadow Teddie/Shadow Kuma, Izanagi, Naoto Shirogane, Rise Kujikawa and 2 secret figures. They are only 3cm [1.25"] tall, and are currently available for pre-order in boxes of 12 [randomly assorted] figures at 4,788Y a box [or 399Y each]. To be released September 2010. Many online shops have boxes stocked for pre-order, including Otacute.com and Animaxis.com. And finally, a Jack Frost soft vinyl figure! Manufactured by ArtStorm: It's 23cm [9"] tall, and no assembly or painting is required. No set release date yet, although it will be later this year. Here are a few sites still taking in pre-orders: Otacute.com | AmiAmi.jp | HobbyFan.comInfo Sources: Tomopop.com: Real Figure / Jack Frost | fumuo.com | Animetsu blog
Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: UPDATE: The website has completed its move…
on: December 30, 2009, 11:54:28 AM
If you have all of these downloaded it would be much easier on me if they were uploaded to the comp subdomain (I will make that work again asap if need be) ...the upload hosts are a real pain to work with.
I'm so busy with free time projects lately, but I'm going to get the site index/search working again hopefully by this weekend.
Hiya, just a little update, I uploaded the p3 manga chapters in zip form on the comp; pretty much all the chapters except 9v1, because the second one is better anyways XD Also found out that there really is only one chapter of the devil children manga released, though in my search I found someone who had the english script for it... I've also seen german editions on ebay, wonder how good their translations were [sadly I'm still pretty much monolingual ^^;] Dunno if you've been to the Romhacking Aerie site, seems they have a few SMT related translation projects in the works.
Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: UPDATE: The website has completed its move…
on: December 17, 2009, 12:39:29 AM
Okay, so should I just reupload each piece [a couple are a bit redundant, like volume 1 w/starry heaven & ch9 v2], or throw them all into one zip/rar/thing and upload it like that? Or extract and upload each image/page [are you going to put up the P3 manga for reading like the P4 one?]
And on the topic of manga, I've got the first chapter of the devil children red&black manga translated somewhere too [I heard there were more chapters done, but was only available on irc; i hate irc, it's just more work involved to find a file XD]
Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / The Underground / Re: This business of Google
on: September 26, 2009, 12:14:25 AM
Alright! I think I finally have a possible alternative to Google on the search front:
[I decided to remove this link to avoid attracting spammers to the url which will be included server side in the future]
Go ahead and try that link. This is basically a home Google I was able to setup thanks to YaCy. If all pans out, in not too long I can make the website search bar fetch these results and format them too look like they belong on the website like the wiki pages.
PS: Hopefully it will be faster after I slow down the crawler a little (right now it's building an initial index)
Ooh, that looks really good! It's nice to see we have a reliable search alternative now :D [and sorry I'm not to helpful with this sort of thing ^^;]
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Megaten Hell / Re: Demonic Illustrations & Resources [Latest: More Cerberus pics Pg. 3]
on: September 09, 2009, 08:35:37 PM
x.X; Okay, so if anyone has recommendations on scanners... I swear, the quality seems to be getting craptacular every time I scan. But, here are the two demon pics, [full-pages were uploaded to the db]. And with my new found Japanese knowledge, I discovered that the ugly yellow Cerberus is actually Orthus. heh ^^; Yea, I had to pull the book to the seams to get Kyuu-berus scanned, but the nose is a bit blurry still ^^; If you need a bigger resolution [so you can shrink it and then no one will know otherwise :p] let me know :3 Enjoy! [I need a better catch phrase around here XD]
Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: WTF?? OMG! The hell???
on: September 08, 2009, 11:43:01 AM
Speaking of Google, can anyone else see this webpage: http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=partner-pub-4203437078642917:z7ok7haa9p0&hl=en_USAnd can you search on it? This is supposed to to have the search index for this website, but it says the following to me: Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL /custom?cx=partner-pub-4203437078642917%3Az7ok7haa9p0&ie=UTF-8&q=Protagonist&sa=Search&hl=en&adkw=AELymgU7SOVVERx2k8wXzM4ekBsY7cClUIhu4-hRWuLGN9sX9NAyqVzDL27JWWnU8vNV1Dteh2sY_g72cIYy0TLMgEhNGg5gCrPb6L1kpbI7q3EJ-jo3haZniEV5Nr-XFL0WcQW5vV4AmPhUbCJBp0Qi724nmt-hWv0CyEGCTXoiqSUUnDmywNV6KFDRuqihpvGXDfjdf0rIl6z7cBmV3mp6dbXkI-HVqQ&cof=AH%3Aleft%3BALC%3A4466bb%3BBGC%3AFFFFFF%3BCX%3ADigital%2520Devil%2520Database%3BDIV%3A88A6C0%3BFORID%3A11%3BGALT%3A1B703A%3BGFNT%3A1B703A%3BGIMP%3A1B703A%3BL%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fintl%2Fen%2Fimages%2Flogos%2Fcustom_search_logo_sm.gif%3BLC%3A4466bb%3BLH%3A30%3BLP%3A1%3BT%3A000000%3BVLC%3Ac83b3a%3B&oe=UTF-8&safe=images&client=pub-4203437078642917&channel=4038169898&boostcse=0 from this server. (Client IP address: We apologize for your inconvenience, but this request could not be processed. Please click here to continue your search on Google. PS: What happens when you try to use the "powered by Google" search on every page of digitaldevildb.com? I think I got about the same error as you from that link AND from the search on site: [this is the quote from the link, the other seemed similar] "Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL /custom?cx=partner-pub-4203437078642917%3Az7ok7haa9p0&ie=UTF-8&q=dragon&sa=Search&hl=en&adkw=AELymgW62TC_JZZpOsuVtfJwUVLt70u94MoAPYBTbjQNpGoIDS86IoNM4wTRidDiuaMNc5Ndhs7KcC-uCHdXPSwachvotrUb43xOYX8sV0N5rfEYSsChWka-tQN9buRzaDyaubmFrLKaB5BAWXmlUWwXZwViltSTfH5xsYd5BLcCQvOW0W63SzgRmqWGqGeddfeHxHek1kpPlu-CTQwjMx4qURPx9bPvLg&cof=AH%3Aleft%3BALC%3A4466bb%3BBGC%3AFFFFFF%3BCX%3ADigital%2520Devil%2520Database%3BDIV%3A88A6C0%3BFORID%3A11%3BGALT%3A1B703A%3BGFNT%3A1B703A%3BGIMP%3A1B703A%3BL%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fintl%2Fen%2Fimages%2Flogos%2Fcustom_search_logo_sm.gif%3BLC%3A4466bb%3BLH%3A30%3BLP%3A1%3BT%3A000000%3BVLC%3Ac83b3a%3B&oe=UTF-8&safe=images&client=pub-4203437078642917&channel=4038169898&boostcse=0 from this server. (Client IP address: We apologize for your inconvenience, but this request could not be processed. Please click here to continue your search on Google."