Archivio per Maggio 2007

Mitsuru Figurine from Kotobukiya

Mercoledì, 2 Maggio 2007 by Tony at

James H. wrote in to let us know that not only is Kotobukiya making an Aigis figurine, they’re also making one of Mitsuru. It turns out that the Mitsuru figurine was actually the first of the two announced. It is planned for a July release in Japan and follows the same 1/7 scale specifications. She comes with both a sword and gun.

mitsuru figurine

James was also kind enough to send over several related links. In addition to the original Kotobukiya page, AnimeNewsI also has a page on the figurine that is complete with photos (which can also be found on our Persona 3 Merchandise page). It also turns out that Big Bad Toystore still be stocking both of these figures in the Fall. You can pre-order them for around $35 USD each.

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