Archivi per la categoria ‘Recensioni’

Devil Summoner 2 in prima pagina

Giovedì, 14 Maggio 2009 by wolfzau at

Il seguito di Devil Summoner sta mantenendo le promesse?


“Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon” sembra valere i vostri soldi, così dice la rete. Uscito il 12 Maggio, il seguito del popolare primo episodio ha ottenuto un numero piuttosto alto di recensioni positive, nessuna delle quali sembra scendere sotto gli 8 punti su 10. Decisamente un buon risultato.

Ecco alcuni stralci da internet… »“…Uno dei sequel più migliorati rispetto all’episodio precedente che abbia mai giocato.” »“Raidou vs King Abaddon è il prodotto di una compagnia che ascolta i suoi clienti.” »“Fan di Shin Megami Tensei e Devil Summoner, non dobbiamo neanche dirlo: avete bisogno di questo gioco!” »“…la revisione totale del sistema di combattimento rende Devil Summoner 2 molto più che una semplice aggiunta.”

Allora cos’è che rende tutti così eccitati? Combattimento migliorato, grafica e contenuti extra (per non parlare della trama e i finali multipli) sono solo alcune delle cose che quasi ogni recensione ha elogiato, aggiungendo il fatto che il gioco è molto migliorato rispetto al predecessore in ogni aspetto possibile. Ma noi siamo di parte.

Tradotto da VMee

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Persona 3 EGM’s “Game of the Month”

Sabato, 28 Luglio 2007 by Tony at

Continuing our last reviews post, a friend informs me that EGM has reviewed Persona 3 and given it the “Game of the Month Award”. The magazine uses a three score system, netting the game an 8.5, 9.5 and 9.5. Very nice.

I was lucky enough to get my hands on a review copy for Digital Devil Database just before the delay. If there’s anything else you’d personally like to know about the game, feel free to ask in the forums. It also looks like our interview with Atlus for the title will be made available closer to the game’s new release date.

Thanks to Charles for the information.

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Persona 3 Reviews Continued

Mercoledì, 25 Luglio 2007 by Tony at

Figured it was worth making a new post about reviews for this game. Sure, it’s been delayed, but the review embargo has obviously ended as far as these sites are concerned. At least they were on the ball for the original date . . . . I remember a few instances were Devil Summoner reviews didn’t even appear until weeks later. Anyway, I’m going to include the reviews from the previous post just to keep these all in one place.

RPGFan - Damian Thomas’s review and Ashton Liu’s review.

Gamernode - Brian Lindsey’s review.

GameAlmighty - Matt Butrovich’s review.

Game Informer - Metacritic states GI gave the game an 8.5.

Play - Himuro informs us that Play gave the game a 9.5.

RPGamer - Michael Beckett’s review.

HonsterGamers - Staff review.

IGNPS2 - Jeff Haynes’s review.

Gamespot - Kevin VanOrd’s review.

Check out Metacritic’s page on the game for more as time goes on.

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Fredric Paul’s article touched off a discussion with some colleagues of mine, who agreed that Google abuses has become careless thanks to its “monopoly” with AdSense by (among other things) callously dropping AdSense participants for alleged click fraud without a reasonable appeals policy. A request for an explanation fell on deaf ears, and my colleague was left with the impression that Google “would have been more likely to work with me,” if it weren’t in such a strong position.