Devil Survivor ready for North America come June

7 Febbraio 2009 by Emilio Morales at

Atlus USA ha annunciato che “Megami Ibunroku Devil Survivor” raggiungerà il Nord America a giugno di quest’anno. La confezione del gioco sembrerebbe identica anlla sua controparte giapponese. Finora Atlus USA non ha rilasciato commenti riguardo eventuali “extra” legati al gioco o riguardo edizioni speciali (forse potremmo aspettarci una colonna sonora, se decidessero di aggiungere oggetti bonus), ma almeno ci potremo preparare per l’attesa.

I giocatori che hanno già giocato alla serie “Majin Tensei” dovrebbero trovare questo gioco piuttosto familiare. Come quest’ultimi Survivor è una fusione tra un classico RPG in prima persona e un RPG tattico. Personalmente ho provato la versione giapponese e l’ho trovata niente male, ottime musiche e gameplay all’altezza. Una delle parti più interessanti del gioco è la modalità di reclutamento dei demoni. Si possono comprare a delle aste e i demoni sconfitti in battaglia vengono aggiunti a quelli disponibili. Naturalmente è ancora presente la possibilità di fonderli tra loro per creare alleati sempre più potenti…

Siete pronti a sopravvivere?

Tradotto da VMee

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Atlus Plans PSP Release for Megami Ibunroku Persona

4 Febbraio 2009 by Emilio Morales at

Atlus Japan ha annunciato l’uscita del prossimo gioco della serie Megaten per Sony PSP. Si tratta del remake di “Megami Ibunroku Persona: Be Your True Mind” pubblicato in precedenza per PS1. Tra le aggiunte confermate ci sono nuove cutscene in 3D, più punti di salvataggio, possibilità di scegliere il livello di difficoltà e un maggiore bilanciamento.

Il gioco uscirà il 29 Aprile in Giappone.

Tradotto da VMee

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Atlus USA Annuncia - Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon

30 Gennaio 2009 by Emilio Morales at

Atlus USA ha annunciato la prossima pubblicazione di “Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon” negli Stati Uniti, prevista per il 12 Maggio. Un’edizione “molto limitata” includerà il peluche di Raiho per 39,90 dollari.

“The longer the title, the better the game”

Le copie successive non includeranno lo stupendo bonus. Il gioco è naturalmente per PS2 e finora Atlus USA non ha dichiarato nulla riguardo la versione “Plus”, uscita in edizione limitata in Giappone.

Tradotto da VMee

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Digital Devil Database 
Coverage of IMAGINE will be Coming Soon…

1 Novembre 2008 by Digital Devil Database at

We have our phasers set to IMAGINE! And are dedicated to finally giving Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE some timely coverage. We are committed to covering everything Megami Tensei in-depth even if it sometimes takes a little longer than we’d like to rally our forces. Expect retro-posts and up-to-date posts and updates just over the horizon. Including detailed information pages just as soon as we can get them to print.

We have a new author, Aren, who has volunteered to focus efforts on IMAGINE exclusively. We have their word they’re committed to the cause. The rest of our crew will be doing everything they can to help. And our new administrator, yksehtniycul, is also banging out a new IMAGINE page with up-to-date and in-depth information regarding the Japanese IMAGINE experience so far.

IMAGINE is filed under the database’s Megaten Online page. These pages our by far our most popular at this moment in Megaten history. We’d like to apologize to our readers, who were probably unable to find their sought information within our pages. We hope however that our pages have been there to shed some light on IMAGINE to date.

update: There is a new IMAGINE news item retro-posted just a few posts down from this one on the front page…

Retro-posted Gennaio 21st, 2009

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Persona 4 Official Design Works

17 Ottobre 2008 by DevilRy at

The new Persona 4 Official Design Works art book was released last week. Featuring the character designs of new series artist Shigenori Soejima, the book contains main character artwork of course, as well as Persona, Shadow, Commu, sensei, and an abundance of original character avatars. Because of the huge amount of content, this is a must-have item for Soejima fans.

Size: B5
Release: 2008/10/08
Price: 1700¥

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Aeria Games & Entertainment Picks Up Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE

9 Settembre 2008 by Aren at

Aeria Games & Entertainment announces that it has obtained the rights to host and translate Shin Megami Tensei Online IMAGINE, a Megaten MMORPG produced by CAVE headquartered in Japan. This announcement comes only a week after a polled petition was spotted in Aeria’s game forums. Out of the 1230 votes cast 70 percent of respondees pledged interest in patronizing a local edition of Imagine. » New Game - Need Your Opinion

I’d donate a Kidney to play this!
Looks very interesting!
Well, I’d try it.
Doesn’t look all that interesting
Definitely wouldn’t play this.
 25% (316 Votes)
27% (340 Votes)
23% (285 Votes)
13% (170 Votes)
9% (119 Votes)


Aeria appears decided in marketing the title “MegaTen”, though the original title has not been airbrushed from promotional materials. Announced are plans for eventual North American and European releases including English, Spanish, German, and French services. So far it is unclear whether any restrictions will be placed on foreign currencies as is now done for the long running Japanese market.

Aeria (located in Santa Cara, CA) is a company well known within the online gaming community for it’s freely playable online games including Shaiya, Twelve Sky, Domo, and Last Chaos. This is Aeria’s first Megami Tensei title and it is yet to be seen how MegaTen might differ from Atlus USA’s offerings. As stated by Aeria all Aeria productions are “free-2-play” or based on some variation of the “cash shop” business model where an “item mall” allows players to buy virtual commodities via AP or Aeria points, which are in turn purchased in exchange for domestic currency, or “real world” money, at Aeria’s website. Unlike MegaTen’s Japanese counterpart, it is reported Aeria has a history of rewarding players AP. Otherwise it is unknown how Aeria’s version might differ in terms of game-play.

The following day “SpencerC” explained his role as “the producer for MegaTen” and announced a need for “tech savvy volunteers” to aid with translation and localization. Unfortunately Aeria has chosen to remove these announcements from public view, including the acquisition press release. If anyone has remaining copies of these materials, would like to include this information in its database.

Retro-posted Gennaio 23rd, 2009

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