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331  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 4 Manga on: March 28, 2009, 02:50:38 PM
That reminds me... I still need to re-upload these files. I think I'm going to try something to generate intermediary sized images sooner or later as well.

The problem with using sites like RapidShare is you can't really download them without a browser session sweatdrop
332  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: We have to find an English editor fast or else!! Translators also welcome… on: March 28, 2009, 02:43:09 PM
We're always open to any help! In fact the entire website is now user generated, so if it isn't obvious, anyone who wants to can take initiative and steer the site anywhere they'd like to take it... right now if they want to even rainbow

We really got to the point we had to beg for editors though. It seems like we have a ton of editors, and no new content coming in atm (though I'm guessing if any basic news hits it will be put up) ...but truth be told, nearly everyone that ever offers to help generally disappears without a trace before they're finished introducing themselves. So by all means, please please please make yourself at home smokin

We've probably had more than 30 offers to help since the website came back, but as you can see, the only reliable fixtures around here at this point are me and Emilio.
333  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Remake of Persona 1 for PSP on: March 28, 2009, 02:35:30 PM
^That's nice to hear. I guess I always play the Japanese games if I can help it. I'm just weird like that.

I'd rather not pass up an opportunity to sharpen up my Japanese.

Is there any reason to import a PSP then I wonder? Like for the PS3 it won't play region locked PS1 and PS2 games, but I can't think of any reason like that for a PSP, because I think the downloaded games are not region locked.

I've been fairly impressed with Sony's online services so far. The Xbox360 though, not so much (at all really)
334  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / Tower of Babel / Re: Spanish (española) on: March 27, 2009, 08:18:56 PM
Congratulations rainbow
335  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / Tower of Babel / Re: Spanish (española) on: March 27, 2009, 06:48:52 PM
I made a few necessary changes to the post (nothing in the content body though) can make these changes yourself in the future, and it will save me some trouble. And also for now at least, your translation will show up on the website even before it is published (once you make these changes) ...that is sort of a security hole, but actually it's probably better that it save me the trouble of approving it, as long as your page looks right.

Unfortunately, I still have to add some code to the page template for this kind of page before your translation will show up. I will do that as soon as I possibly can~

PS: If you want to see your page on the website immediately, you might need to use the ?nocache argument in the url (if someone has visited the page in that language recently)

Also, we aren't using WordPress' "tag" system right now. We do use the categories for news items. But since the tagging system is virtually identical we are saving it for something special I think. Anyway, someday maybe we will make official tags, and when we do there will only be one per post. And basically they will be for automatically adding little graphics near the titles of the posts (like a character from P3 for a P3 post and so on)

Unfortunately there is no proper way to keep our contributors from making tabs. But it's actually pretty dangerous, because if your tag is the same name as a category it can really mess things up (though in the past things have gone back to normal after the tag is deleted)
336  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: Kotobukiya One Coin Figure Series photos on: March 27, 2009, 06:25:11 PM
I'm working on this (

Gallery pages are not up yet though (they will be like the new manga gallery)
337  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 4 Manga on: March 27, 2009, 04:47:58 PM
Could someone please help me download the P3 manga and fill me in on anything I need to know. Also do we need permission from Starry Heaven to treat it similarly?
338  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: We have to find an English editor fast or else!! Translators also welcome… on: March 27, 2009, 04:11:22 PM
Ah! There is already an explanation in the French thread tongue,968.0.html

If you need more help, please ask a specific question rainbow

Please please don't give up wink

This is the official running thread for French translation discussion.

The theme can be translated here ( if you have privileges to do so.

The official Wordpress theme (Kubrick) seems a little more untranslated than usual. So please don't hesitate to give it a look.

News is translated by following the Forum Discussion link from the front page to the forums, and posting your translation and translated title in that thread.

Pages are translated by making a new post via your Wordpress login (all translators are also Contributors, and thus can do this)

You need to copy the content of the page you're translating into your new post prior to translating. You can get the pages content (html) by using this special page:

Just copy the uri of the page you want after the ?permalink= argument (in place of /about/) eg. if you want to translate the games page:

If you have any questions, don't be shy about asking

PS: Once you figure everything out. It would be very helpful to translate these instructions into French smokin
339  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: We have to find an English editor fast or else!! Translators also welcome… on: March 27, 2009, 04:03:33 PM
I am sorry to bother you, but i dont understand how i add the translation i've made.
This is what we're here for rainbow

But what kind of translation have you made? There or ostensibly three kinds. A news item, a page, and the website elements itself.

We've answered all of these questions several times all over the forum, but tell us which you are trying to translate, and we will help you asap.

I understand we probably need a translation faq, but in the meantime I will try to hunt down a useful post elsewere~

PS: The simplest kind is to login (from the front page) go here( and translate as many as you like, then hit "compile revision", then hit "commit revision". If that page looks really weird btw, you probably need a newer web browser (FF3, Google Chrome, and Safari work very nicely)
340  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: We have to find an English editor fast or else!! Translators also welcome… on: March 27, 2009, 09:46:44 AM
I'll never understand why so many netizens flock to help out like flies on shit... then promptly disappear before they even finish introducing themselves doh

Sometimes it seems like a coordinated effort to make the website seem cursed tongue
341  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: We have to find an English editor fast or else!! Translators also welcome… on: March 27, 2009, 09:43:26 AM
Well I always thought we could count on you... in face "we" includes you rolleyes
342  Be Your True Mind / Find Your Voice / Re: NEWS: We have to find an English editor fast or else!! Translators also welcome… on: March 26, 2009, 11:45:56 PM
It's been eerily quiet for the last week or two ninja

So I gotta ask... how many of you all are still with us!? CecilD_crouch
343  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona AFTER [FAN-MADE MANGA] on: March 26, 2009, 05:28:34 PM
Just now is the IMAGINE two year anniversary as well(

Everything has gone blood read (even the game startup screen) and the icons spaz out on the website eek

edited: Oooooo... the whole world is bathed in red, and there is a foreboding movie played when you login. Also the interface spazzes like the website...

Blood red thunder and storm clouds are brewing... I just hope this doesn't adversely effect my nightmarish lag as of late ninja
344  Post Apocalyptic Hellscape / Tower of Babel / Re: Chinese on: March 26, 2009, 04:42:06 AM
While I was thinking about making the scrollbar for the double wide manga pages start on the right (for reading right to left) it occurred to me it should not be difficult to make the website read right to left for languages which do so...

That would be appropriate for Hebrew and Arabic I think, but I wonder if Chinese should as well? Basically it's traditional to read Chinese right to left I think but my guess is the Chinese internet tends to read left to right. So I'd like your's (and other's) opinion.

On the other hand, webkit browsers (eg. Safari and Google Chrome) seem to have a number of bugs with right to left browsing (which prevented me from using rtl mode with the manga gallery) so either way it would be an expiriment.
345  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 4 Manga on: March 25, 2009, 02:47:58 PM
Horay eek

I finally managed to somehow someway get all of the major features I'd intended for the manga reading galleries to work doh

The exercise was really killer, but I think I learned a lot along the way. Which is at the end of the day the only honest to god reason I stick with this stuff so ardently I think hearton

Anyway, yeah it can use a hell of a lot more polish around the edges, but I think I can officially herald the P4/P3 manga on the "new" page sometime soonish...

Many of the files are still corrupted. I'm a little disappointed I don't have a good thumbnailing system worked out yet. But anyway, if anyone would like to make some lower resolution versions of the manga images, it would make the presentation much better. I'm just really not up to it for now crying

The sizes for the viewing page are 450px wide for single pages, and 900px wide for double pages. I've noticed the aspect ratio isn't always perfect, so it might be a good idea to pick a median height and distort the image heights to get a constant aspect.

And... if someone wants to prepare small thumbnails all of the same height, I will promise to setup a nifty slide viewer so that while hovering the mouse over the page numbers a black bar full of thumbnail slides closest to the page with appear under the number bar ninja

Sooner or later I will decide on an automated system for thumbnails, but just saying. It isn't a a huge job, and it would make the pages much nicer.

I put hours into this, so please don't hold back your praise or dare feel uninspired megaman (for your convenience -- ps: not everything works yet)
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