MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 3 Undubbed
on: August 23, 2007, 05:36:17 PM
I don't know. He wasn't making much sense. He just made himself look more idiotic because he responded to something with conviction he read wrong in the first place. I'm going to listen to anything dubbed anyway. So why the hell should I care? Unless dubbing is going to stop, which it never will.
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 3 Undubbed
on: August 23, 2007, 01:17:11 PM
God bless America... :beaten:
Look, if it takes you more than a split second to read subtitles then the education system has failed you. What the hell? I said I get distracted by the subtitles. Not that it takes me a while to read them. Even if I read them already, I continue reading it. That's why I said I try to catch myself on that, it annoys the hell out of me. It's like a habit I developed somehow, even though I don't watch with subtitles a lot. Your inability to understand what I said makes your response ironic.
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Re: Persona 3 Undubbed
on: August 22, 2007, 02:48:32 PM
I don't know. I can handle any dub, however bad it may be. I just hate having to read words on the bottom of the screen. It distracts me WAY too much. With DDS, even when it was translated and voiced with good actors, the subtitles still distracted me. I couldn't help my eyes, they just wandered down to the words:P. I try to catch myself on this, cause I focus way too much on the subtitles.
So, however bad a dub is, I still watch it with english voice over. If the creators truly cared that the viewers should "watch it in its original form" they wouldn't let it get dubbed in the first place. Not like dubbing is going to cease anyway, so who the hell cares. Why whine about it.
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Megaten Hell / Re: looking to buy some MEGATEN games.....
on: August 22, 2007, 03:08:59 AM
You're going to have to be willing to pay at least 100$+ for these games, collectively I mean. Ebay is your best bet. These games are out of print and hard to find, so at least expect 40-70$ for each. And 30$ if you luckily (like me) happen on them at a gamestop.
I hope you were only saying you didn't want a copy of a SMT title for 99$, cause that'd be reasonable. But a few SMT games for less than 99$, then you don't have such a good chance.
I paid for DDS1,2 (new) and Nocturne (like new, few scratches) all complete with DDS 2 only missing the manual for 140$. 40$ for P2 and 50$ (obviously) for P3. I got kinda lucky with DDS 1,2 and Nocturne. It seems that the price recently is shooting up for them on ebay, more than when I sought after them. Again, with what you want, expect 100$+ now. Or start calling gamestops near you.
MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Velvet Room / Party member levels
on: August 21, 2007, 09:51:46 PM
Should I worry about keeping everyone leveled. Or should I just use whoever I want to and disregard anyone who I don't level? Basically, will I ever be forced to use a certain person in battle?