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1  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / IMAGINE Online / Re: DDDBジャンプ klan registration thread on: August 31, 2008, 06:03:03 PM
Don't know if the guild is still open or if anyone still is active but I would like to join :p

ign: 罪のレクイエム 
2  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / IMAGINE Online / Re: SMT: Imagine on: May 31, 2007, 04:35:35 PM
Quote from: Stack Bundles;2977
That's entirely not true either. My name in MTO is eLZhi.

All you need to do is enable your Language Bar and add Japanese support. Once you do that you'll be able to type in Romanji, which can be used to type any name in English.

Wow then my pc is being retarded I try doing it and it wont let me :P well thanks for letting me know now at least I can have an easier time inputing a name.

Quote from: Emilio Morales
I guess I will try, thanks for the help!... Damn!! I try it, but it still giving the same error, I put my name in japanese but then It dont let me do anything and after a certain time, I receive a red window with a message in it, and I can only hit "ok" and then I´m out! What can be? Do I need to pay something? or maybe I´m doing something not properly. Please help!! I really want to play!!!

can you post a screenshot of your problem?
3  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / IMAGINE Online / Re: SMT: Imagine on: May 29, 2007, 04:28:13 PM
Quote from: Stack Bundles;2971
That's not true.

 Well you cant use normal English input is what I should have said. You need to use some special alpha numeric thing/special font in-order to put in your name. Just try typing you name using normal English input. It won accept it, I've tried it.
4  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Anyone know where I can find a copy of Shin Megaten for the PSONE on: May 28, 2007, 01:13:01 PM
Wow 20 bucks thats cheap w/ out the shipping. Last copy I saw online went for 60 bucks plus a 40 dollar shipping O.o
5  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Trouble with the Matador fiend...@_@ (SMT: Noctorne) on: May 28, 2007, 01:10:47 PM
The strength of the fiends depends on the total level/strength of you party. The only thing you can really do to make sure you beat him is to be stocked up on healing items then make sure you have strong moves which brings down his stats and do a lot of damage to him and fast.
6  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: Favorite Demons on: May 28, 2007, 01:08:24 PM
Black Frost
Dante??? (not sure if he is considered a demon but he is sure fun to use)
7  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / Tokyo 202X / Re: What's your Reason? on: May 28, 2007, 01:02:27 PM
Freedom since people should have the right to follow their own paths in life to choose their own way they would like the world to be. Although true-demon makes me fee like a bad ass. Yet if I were stuck with the choice, I would go with freedom since people should have the right to shape their own world no matter how bad it turns out to be.
8  MEGAMI TENSEI™ Uncensored / IMAGINE Online / Re: SMT: Imagine on: May 28, 2007, 12:51:39 PM
wait so when you create a character and you press ok it sends you back to the log-in screen? Well I don't know if this will help or not but you need to put in you in game name in Japanese. You cant use noramal English typing. The easiest way to solve it is to go to babel fish translate your wanted IGN from English to Japanese the hit ctrl+c to copy it, then ctrl+v to paste it in the game. Hope that helps.

Also I play this game, and I find it pretty fun so if anyone wants to play with more or something IM me or email me at it kind of get boring always being alone in the game T.T

Im level 10 and play on any channel so im me if you want to play.

If only i knew Japanese T.T
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